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Title 2018. 07. 22. - 2018. 07. 27. 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference
Writer 관리자 Date 2018-08-06 Hit 1020
2018. 07. 22. - 2018. 07. 27. 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference
2018. 07. 22. - 2018. 07. 27. 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference
2018. 07. 22. - 2018. 07. 27. 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference
2018. 07. 22. - 2018. 07. 27. 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference
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Migara, Jin-Kun, and Jun-Seo visited Kyoto, Japan for 27th International Liquid Crystal Conference. Migara and Jin-Kun gave their presentations about their research results in oral to the audience nicely, and Jun-Seo displayed the poster and gave a short presentation and discussed with the visitors. For them, it was a nice trip because they had an opportunity to meet the famous guys in Liquid Crystal field and enjoyed the beautiful sight and wonderful meal in Kyoto.   
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