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Title 2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
Writer 관리자 Date 2019-02-25 Hit 728
2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
2019. 02. 20. - 2019. 02. 22. The 30th annual OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference
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Ji-Seon, Doyeon and Jun-Seo visited and gave the presentation in the 30th annual meeting OSK meeting and 2019 Winter OSK conference. The conference was the biggest for researchers studying optics, display, and photonics in South Korea, many researchers participated and discussed their studying. On the first day (20th Feb.), Ji-Seon and Doyeon gave the poster presentation. Their topics were about generating optical vortex using liquid crystals, so their presentations attracted many interests from many researchers who were studying optics. Jun-Seo gave talks both in oral and poster. His topic was about the fabrication of nanoparticle assembly with biphase dielectrophoresis and molecular density contrast in SAM. Moreover, his oral presentation was selected as the best paper in Display section. Our supervisor, Prof. Jang-Kun Song was invited to give a talk about the selectivity in alignment of liquid crystal molecules on the single-crystal graphene. It was very interesting and attracted many interests from the audience. It was a great experience for the students to broaden their knowledge and information.
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Next 2019. 01. 24. - 2019. 01. 25. The 20th Korea Liquid Crystal Conference (KLCC)