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Notice 게시글의 상세 화면
Title Prof. Jang-Kun Song's article is posted on the main of the Skku homepage.
Writer 관리자 Date 2017-04-10 Hit 2090


Prof. Jang-Kun Song was awarded '2016 SKKU Young-Fellowship' on Feb. So, his article is posted
on the main of the skku homepage. You can check the article as following next hyperlinks.

http://www.skku.edu/new_home/etc/research/research36.html (Kor)

http://www.skku.edu/eng_home/campus/skk_comm/news_view.jsp?bName=board_news&bCode=1&boardNum=2325 (Eng)

Notice 게시판의 이전글 다음글
Preview Our member, Suk-Ho Song was granted the scholarship from College of Information and Communication Engineering.
Next Prof. Jang-Kun Song was awarded the '2016 SKKU Young-Fellowship'.