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JPIAMR 게시글의 상세 화면
Title Jan 31, 2019 JPIAMR Newsletter
Writer IAMRT Date 2019-03-05 Hit 3653


January 31, 2019


Article on AMR science policy and funding in Trends in Microbiology


An overview of AMR science policy and funding has recently been published in Trends in Microbiology.


The review, co-authored by Laura Marin (JPIAMR) and Arjon van Hengel (Research & Innovation, European Commission), gives an overview of AMR policy and the projects and initiatives aiming to curb the rising trend of AMR. The article is a good general reference and an introduction to the AMR community and funding organisations and opportunities.

The article can be downloaded here and is also presented by Laura Marin in this video.


Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance - updates


Two more countries, Denmark and Romania, have now joined the JPIAMR Call on AMR Diagnostics and Surveillance.


Submission deadline for pre-proposals isFebruary 18, 2019. The call promotes projects with impact in low and middle income countries (LMICs) in Asia and Africa and researchers from more than 40 countries are eligible to apply in the call.

JPIAMR encourages the AMR community to share the information about the call.

For full information about the call and the application process, please visit the call page.



ECRAID-Plan kick-off meeting


JPIAMR participated in a high-level meeting in Brussels, on January 17th 2019, on the development of ECRAID, the European Clinical Research Alliance on Infectious Diseases.


ECRAID’s vision is to create a coordinated and permanent European clinical research infrastructure for clinical research on infectious diseases. The focus is on two major challenges: emerging infectious diseases with epidemic or pandemic potential caused by new or re-emerging pathogens and AMR.


Find the ECRAID-Plan presentation here.


EU Competitive Council Conclusions calls on continued support for JPIs


The Competitiveness Council has adopted conclusions on the governance of the European Research Area and emphasise the relevance of jointly addressing global challenges within the JPIs.


In the Conclusions, the Commission is called upon to continue the support for the joint programming process and the JPIs.

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Start-up workshop for the funded networks on JPIAMR-Virtual Research Institute and Surveillance


A start-up workshop will take place in the Amsterdam, the Netherlands, on February 19-20 to kick-off activities for all funded Networks from the two transnational network calls launched by JPIAMR in 2018: JPIAMR Network Call on Surveillance and JPIAMR-VRI Network Call 2018.

The workshop aims to explore opportunities for future research collaborations, synergies and partnerships both between applicants and with external partner, between networks within each call, and between calls if appropriate. In addition to this, the workshop aims to create an overview of network activities within the funding period to enhance alignment and coordination and support communication of network outputs by the JPIAMR.


JPIAMR activities at BIOCOM 2019


JPIAMR is participating in the 12th Berlin Conference on Life Sciences “Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics 2019”, 14–15 March 2019, Berlin, Germany.


Two JPIAMR funded projects will be highlighted within Scientific Session 1 on Academic Innovations and Jonathan Pearce, JPIAMR Steering Committee member, will be a panelist in the Plenary Session on funding innovation in AMR.


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WHO lists ten threats to Global Health in 2019


The development of antibiotics is one of modern medicine’s greatest successes. Now, with time these drugs are running out, reports WHO. The list puts AMR among the top 10 threats to global health in 2019.


Find the complete list here.




WHO pre-clinical data call


To better understand the current pre-clinical antibacterial R&D landscape and share this with the wider scientific, policy and investor communities, WHO is undertaking its first review of the pre-clinical pipeline to tackle resistant bacterial infections.


Companies, institutions and individuals are invited to submit data on their products that are in the pre-clinical pipeline targeting the WHO Priority Pathogens List, TB and C. difficile.


The deadline for submission is March 18, 2019.

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